Did you notice your driveway being too dusty or mossy? If this is the case, you might need our driveway pressure washing services. At Hydro-Kleen, we make sure that your driveway gets the power washing that it needs. Put our 25+ years of experience to work for you!
With our latest pressure washers and experienced team of cleaners, we can assure you that you will come home looking at a driveway that seems brand new. Over the years, we have provided our clients with the following services that have made us an important and regular part of their life:
We maintain the aesthetics of their home. After a session of power washing, the driveway would look bright and spotless. It would make you feel as though it hasn’t been used for years. You might want to schedule a yearly session with us to make sure that grit won’t be deeply ingrained into the porous surface of the driveway.
We prevent cracks and fissures in your driveway.
If we can wash the surface regularly, no debris, moss or plants would last long in the pathway. This would stop fissures from forming into large cracks that might reach the base of the driveway and ruin it for good, something that will cost you a lot more.
We keep you healthy.
Regular driveway pressure washing for your driveway will get rid of mold, dust, pollen, and other allergens. This can reduce the chances of you getting sick every time you go outdoors. Our services can also wash off slippery dirt that may cause you to slip and fall.
If you have any questions or would like a free quote, please
contact us
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